
Known by his appellation of Dravidacharya, Sri Ramakrishnan Swamiji , took birth in Dindigul of Tamilnadu, in the year 1972. After growingup in Chennai, where he completed his education, Sri Swamiji because of the burning desire for Self-knowledge left for Himalayas in march of 1997. Upon arrival in the Himalayas stayed-put in Rishikesh and immersed himself in Scriptual study in Traditional manner under Yogiswara Sri Shanti Dharmananda Saraswati ji , more particularly acquiring a sound grasp over , Sanskrit Grammar,Sankya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Purva Mimamsa, Kashmiri Saivism and the Brihat Prastana Traya (Greater Triple Canon) of Vedanta (Chitsukhi, Advaitasiddhi and KhandanaKhandaKhadya) and under swamiji’s disciple ViraktaShiromani Sri Sarveshananda Saraswati ji, the Prastana Traya (Triple Canon) of Vedanta (Bhagavad Gita, Upanishad and Brahma Sutra with Shankara Bhashya). Though not interested in Teaching, Sri Swamiji, following Gurus instructions started teaching Shastras in simple, everyday, easy to understand English / Tamil / Hindi in Rishikesh, which is not done in order in general anywhere, without compromising tradition or rigour. Not just that, Sri Swamiji has blessed the English / Tamil / Hindi knowing people with simple but detailed translation / explanation of the main books of all the Darshanas. He has brought his discourses / speeches in English / Tamil / Hindi in CD form also.

Shastra Nethralaya is an organization to promote a shastric system and methodology to learning Vedanta. It’s a non-profit volunteer organization and any true and sincere Sadhaka is welcome to use the materials provided here to develop him/herself and get uplifted.
For a more traditional approach through a Guru-Shishya mode of education, you need to contact us through email or written communication.
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